
Let’s say you have an upcoming IT project but lack enough resources or in-house knowledge to do it on your own. Cost reduction does not remain the only benefit you are looking for. If it was, you would probably search for remote locations such as India, Africa, Philippines, and China.

You demand more focus on highly skilled professionals, cultural compatibility, long-term relationship or language skills. If this is the case, think of engineers in Poland. 


According to HackerRank Polish developers are among the TOP three best engineers in the world. You can google it yourself. 

And if we dive deeper and search for Java Developers…you can see who wins:


Well, Polish developers are one of the best programmers in the world. And here is WHY.

#1. First Class Education


Polish educational background in numbers:

➢ In Poland, there are more than 500 universities. Nine of them are featured in the QS World University Rankings® 2018. Places like Warsaw University of Technology, Jagiellonian University, and the University of Gdańsk are well-respected in the academic and scientific world.

➢ Poland is becoming an increasingly popular study destination. There are more than 29,000 international students in Poland coming from more than 140 countries.

➢ According to GUS [Central Statistical Office in Poland], Polish tech universities graduate over 15.000 new specialists annually.

39% of people aged between 25 and 34 have university degrees or the equivalent in Poland.

99% of IT specialists in Poland have a higher education degree.

➢ In the survey conducted by HackerRank, Poland [among 17 countries] is on the 4th place with the largest number of developers who started coding between 5 and 10.

#2. Highest Ranks in International Programming Contests

Polish developers are one of the best programmers in the world. They get the highest ranks in international programming contests such as, Google Code Jam, Microsoft Imagine Cup, the Central European Programming Contest [CEPC] or TopCoder. If you want to learn more about other tournaments like: Capture the Flag (CTF), the Hello World Openand International Olympiad in Informatics in which we proudly take part, click here

Polish engineers are currently ranked 4th in the world in the Top Coder ranking and 3rd at Hackerrank [2016].

Hacker Rank evaluates coding challenges for developers against the accuracy and speed of the performance. Thanks to the participation of hundreds of thousands of developers in tasks solving, the rank’s reliability is high. On a 100 degree scale, Poland has 98 points.

The top-rated skill areas with the highest average scores of Polish developers are:
Java, Python, Ruby, Algorithms, Tutorials, and Shell.

#3. Quality Of Code

The highest quality of IT graduates definitely has an influence on code quality.

A good result of work is one of the top 5 motivators. Our IT specialists are looking for greenfield and challenging projects. Therefore they are even able to accept lower wages if the project they belong to will be innovative and give them a chance to develop their skills [nofluffjobs]

Not surprisingly, Polish specialists are on the 3rd place among the Most Tenacious Programmers in the World.

Poland – the hub of talented programmers

According to the survey by Infoshare – based on Stack Overflow data – Poland is the
largest market of talented programmers in CEE [Central and Eastern Europe] region.

With over 1 million developers in total nearly a quarter of it – 254K work in Poland [2017].

Nearly 80% of Polish developers are spread across 7 tech centers in: Warsaw, Cracow, Wroclaw, Katowice, Poznan, Gdansk and Lodz with at least 10 thousand developers in each city.

Though salaries of IT specialists in Poland show strong year-to-year-growth, they are still around 46% lower comparing to German pays. 

One of the factors that influence this fact is currency difference: 1$ costs approx. 3.81PLN and 1€ costs approx. 4.33PLN. A lower currency price determines the reduction of software manufacturing costs.

IT professions have grown from a niche market to a powerhouse of the Polish economy. The sector drives not only investment into Polish low cost labor but gives birth to rising stars that are becoming consolidators of international markets.

Have you considered building your Dev team in Poland? Find out Why Fintech Startups Should Move Development To Poland?